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  • Social Emotional header

    The Student Services Department supports every District 211 student. Students are assigned a school counselor who serves as their main point of contact for all school-related matters throughout high school. Students can request an appointment with their school counselor during any non-academic period of the student’s school day.

    Counselors lead students through grade-specific activities and lessons during the school year. The activities, often provided in classroom settings, are designed to support student development in the areas of academic proficiency, post-high school planning, and social-emotional wellbeing.

    Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s school counselor anytime the parent seeks greater insight about their child’s status in school. The counselor has access to a variety of resources to assist parents and can facilitate connections with others in the school as needed.

    The Student Services Department supports every District 211 student. Students are assigned a school counselor who serves as their main point of contact for all school-related matters throughout high school. Students can request an appointment with their school counselor during any non-academic period of the student’s school day.

    Counselors lead students through grade-specific activities and lessons during the school year. The activities, often provided in classroom settings, are designed to support student development in the areas of academic proficiency, post-high school planning, and social-emotional wellbeing.

    Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s school counselor anytime the parent seeks greater insight about their child’s status in school. The counselor has access to a variety of resources to assist parents and can facilitate connections with others in the school as needed.


    The Student Services Department supports every District 211 student. Students are assigned a school counselor who serves as their main point of contact for all school-related matters throughout high school. Students can request an appointment with their school counselor during any non-academic period of the student’s school day. 

    Counselors lead students through grade-specific activities and lessons during the school year. The activities, often provided in classroom settings, are designed to support student development in the areas of academic proficiency, post-high school planning, and social-emotional wellbeing. 

    Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s school counselor anytime the parent seeks greater insight about their child’s status in school. The counselor has access to a variety of resources to assist parents and can facilitate connections with others in the school as needed. 


    The Registrar’s office maintains all permanent school records and manages the collection of students’ grades at the conclusion of each semester. Permanent records are maintained for sixty years after a student graduates, transfers, or permanently withdraws from school. 

    District 211 uses MaiaLearning, an online system to process requests from current high school students for school transcripts. 

  • Academic Supports

  • Counselor Appointment Option

  • Organization Chart