District 211 Comprehensive Sexual Health Freshman Wellness (P144) Opt-Scope/Sequence

  • The following lessons include content that is required by the ISBE as instructional mandates for the curriculum areas of health, physical education, and safety.  The topics covered include the following:  human ecology & health, public and environmental health, consumer health, personal health habits, and cancer. Lessons one through eight will be facilitated through an online platform called Edgenuity.  In lieu of a traditional assessment, students will demonstrate their learning through the completion of a project during lessons nine and ten. 

    Critical Learning Standard: Students will demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts and understand the impact of making healthy decisions over the course of their lifetime. 

    Lesson 1: Environmental Conditions and Safety 

    Lesson 1 Learning Targets: 

    • Describe how personal choice affects the safety of an exercise environment. 

    • Discuss how extreme heat and cold can influence the safety of physical activity. 

    • Explain methods for maintaining proper fluid balance during physical activity. 

    Lesson 2: Environmental Health 

    Lesson 2 Learning Targets: 

    • Critique strategies developed and approved by environmental protection agencies for protecting the environment. 

    • Describe issues related to air quality and its effects on health. 

    • Examine how various types of pollution impact local communities around the world. 

    Lesson 3: Making Consumer Choices 

    Lesson 3 Learning Targets: 

    • Analyze health messages delivered through advertisements in the media. 

    • Describe factors that influence consumer decisions about health products, procedures, and information. 

    • Explore the ways in which technology affects the accessibility and reliability of healthcare information. 

    Lesson 4: Dealing with Consumer Issues 

    Lesson 4 Learning Targets: 

    • Explain methods for addressing critical health issues that result from fraud. 

    • Identify government agencies, consumer groups, and business organizations in the community and world that advocate for consumer rights. 

    • List and describe common health-related and fitness-related fallacies. 

    Lesson 5: Stress and Health 

    Lesson 5 Learning Targets: 

    • Describe how people react to stress physically, emotionally, and behaviorally. 

    • Explain common sources of stress. 

    • Recognize the relationship between stress and disease. 

    Lesson 6: Healthy Friendships 

    Lesson 6 Learning Targets: 

    • Discuss resolutions for common difficulties that affect friendships. 

    • List strategies for forming, building and strengthening healthy friendships. 

    • Examine how changes and challenges in the family impact health and wellness. 

    Lesson 7: Responding to Violence and Abuse 

    Lesson 7 Learning Targets: 

    • Describe how sources of conflict, violence, and abuse can be minimized. 

    • Identify strategies for remaining safe at home and in the community. 

    • Identify the causes and influences of various types of violence.Shape 

    Lesson 8: Cancer 

    Lesson 8 Learning Targets: 

    • Describe the causes and types of cancer. 

    • Explain methods for treating cancer and recognize the importance of early detection. 

    • Identify behaviors that put an individual at risk for developing cancer. 

    Lesson 9 & 10: Project Development and Assessment 

    Students will identify a topic from the unit (lessons 1-8) and create a presentation or two-page written report on the impact of that topic to wellness. The final project will serve as the assessment for the unit.