
  • Dance Company

    Orchesis is derived from a Greek word referring to the art of dance.

    Focusing on a variety of artistic dances and techniques, we emphasize both group and individual opportunities. This non-competitive team performs at a variety of Fremd school events which include... basketball games, Homecoming pep-assembly, Arts Fest (our day-show), Variety show (V-show), Our end-of-season show, and the District 211 Dance Showcase!

    Orchesis Dance Company Tryouts

    Try-Out Information Sheet


  • Head Sponsor: Ms. Heather Schroeder
    Email: hschroeder@d211.org

    Sponsor: Ms. Rebekah Trefeler
    Email: rtrefelner@d211.org

    Schoology Code: WVBR8-VGHBN
    Twitter: @FhsOrchesis
    Instagram: @FhsOrchesis

  • Last updated 9/5/2024