Environmental Club (Green Team)

  • It’s easy being Green!  The Green Team, Fremd High School’s Environmental Club is a group of concerned students and teachers that are committed to raising awareness about environmental issues and to reducing environmental impact as individuals, a school community, and as citizens of the world.  Our club focuses on informing the Fremd community on ways to be more environmentally friendly.  We do many projects designed to help promote public understanding of environmental issues and to help keep the local environment clean.


  • Head Sponsor: Mrs. Kristen Newby
    Email: knewby@d211.org

    Schoology Code: JB64B-WNPHS

    Instagram: @Fremdgreenteam

Additional Information

  • This club usually meets on non-late start Tuesdays from 7:00 – 7:25am AND from 3:00 – 4:00pm.  We often run a before-school meeting and an after-school meeting to accommodate student schedules. Please check our Schoology page and the Activities Calendar for specific meeting times and schedule.

    See Activities Calendar for specific meeting times and schedule.

  • Last updated 9/05/2024