- Conant HS
- Activities at Conant
Activities Listing
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Activities at Conant
- AAPI Club (Asian American Pacific-Islander Club)
- Art Club
- Auto Club
- Badminton Club
- Black Student Alliance (BSA)
- Book Club
- BPA (Business Professionals of America)
- Broadcast Club
- Chess Team
- Chinese Club
- Coding Club (CompSci Kids)
- Color Guard (Flags)
- Conant Theatre (Drama Club)
- Cougar Climb
- Cougars United (President’s Forum)
- Cricket Club
- Crier (Newspaper)
- Crochet Club
- Culinary Arts Club (Formerly Foods)
- Cultural Awareness Club
- Debate (Public Forum)
- Debate (Student Congress)
- Digital Media Club (Film Making Club)
- Educators Rising Club
- Electronics Club
- eSports (Gaming Club)
- FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America)
- Fellowship for Christian Students
- Finance Club
- Fishing Club
- Freshman Class Council
- Friends of Conant Jews
- Gaming Club (Dungeons & Dragons, etc.)
- Geography Club
- Glowtology Club
- Greek Club
- Green Cougars Club (Environmental)
- Grill Club
- Guitar Club
- Homework Club (Cougars in Motion)
- HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America)
- Improv
- Interact Club
- Jazz Band
- Junior Class Council
- Latinos Unidos Club
- Math Team
- Medical Careers Club
- Model United Nations
- Modern Music Masters (Tri-M Honor Society)
- Musical
- Muslim Student Association
- National Honor Society
- Operation Snowball
- Orchesis
- Outdoor Adventure Club
- PALS (Peer-Assisted Learning & Service)
- Paranormal Club
- Peer Mediation
- Pep Club (Cougar Crazies)
- Photography Club
- Ping Pong Club
- Powerlifting Club
- RISE (Reaching Individuals by Supporting Every Girl)
- Robotics Club
- SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
- SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance)
- SASA (South Asian Student Association)
- Scholastic Bowl
- School of Rock
- Science Olympiad
- Senior Class Council
- Service Club
- Sophomore Class Council
- Speech Team (Forensics)
- Student Council
- Student Equity Committee
- Student Wellness Committee: Bring Change to Mind
- Students Supporting WINGS
- Tapestry (Fine Arts Magazine)
- Technology Club (Hack Club)
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Woodworkers Club
- Writers' Club
- WYSE (Worldwide Youth in Science & Engineering)
- Yearbook (Conavite)
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is a club that competes in many categories of science, including biology, chemistry, physics, earth science and engineering. Students might build a tower or a robot, or they might do a chemistry experiment; they may even use forensic science to solve a crime! Each student chooses and prepares to compete in a few events, but overall, it is a team competition. This is a great club for pursuing areas of science that interest you and maybe even help you decide on a future career in a scientific field.
Sponsor: Mr. Jon Babcock
Email: jbabcock@d211.org
Voicemail: 224-653-3204Sponsor: Ms. Judy Joung
Email: jjoung@d211.org
Voicemail: 224-653-3411Sponsor: Ms. Hannah Kutchek
Email: hkutchek@d211.org
Voicemail: 224-653-3414
Additional Information
Meetings: Mondays, 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Room: 175
Schoology: 2V7C-HTN2-JFT3D