- Conant HS
- Activities at Conant
Activities Listing
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Activities at Conant
- AAPI Club (Asian American Pacific-Islander Club)
- Art Club
- Auto Club
- Badminton Club
- Black Student Alliance (BSA)
- Book Club
- BPA (Business Professionals of America)
- Broadcast Club
- Chess Team
- Chinese Club
- Coding Club (CompSci Kids)
- Color Guard (Flags)
- Conant Theatre (Drama Club)
- Cougar Climb
- Cougars United (President’s Forum)
- Cricket Club
- Crier (Newspaper)
- Crochet Club
- Culinary Arts Club (Formerly Foods)
- Cultural Awareness Club
- Debate (Public Forum)
- Debate (Student Congress)
- Digital Media Club (Film Making Club)
- Educators Rising Club
- Electronics Club
- eSports (Gaming Club)
- FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America)
- Fellowship for Christian Students
- Finance Club
- Fishing Club
- Freshman Class Council
- Friends of Conant Jews
- Gaming Club (Dungeons & Dragons, etc.)
- Geography Club
- Glowtology Club
- Greek Club
- Green Cougars Club (Environmental)
- Grill Club
- Guitar Club
- Homework Club (Cougars in Motion)
- HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America)
- Improv
- Interact Club
- Jazz Band
- Junior Class Council
- Latinos Unidos Club
- Math Team
- Medical Careers Club
- Model United Nations
- Modern Music Masters (Tri-M Honor Society)
- Musical
- Muslim Student Association
- National Honor Society
- Operation Snowball
- Orchesis
- Outdoor Adventure Club
- PALS (Peer-Assisted Learning & Service)
- Paranormal Club
- Peer Mediation
- Pep Club (Cougar Crazies)
- Photography Club
- Ping Pong Club
- Powerlifting Club
- RISE (Reaching Individuals by Supporting Every Girl)
- Robotics Club
- SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
- SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance)
- SASA (South Asian Student Association)
- Scholastic Bowl
- School of Rock
- Science Olympiad
- Senior Class Council
- Service Club
- Sophomore Class Council
- Speech Team (Forensics)
- Student Council
- Student Equity Committee
- Student Wellness Committee: Bring Change to Mind
- Students Supporting WINGS
- Tapestry (Fine Arts Magazine)
- Technology Club (Hack Club)
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Woodworkers Club
- Writers' Club
- WYSE (Worldwide Youth in Science & Engineering)
- Yearbook (Conavite)
Crier (Newspaper)
Crier website: https://conantcrier.com
The Crier is Conant’s student-run newspaper. Previously published once a month, the Crier has now gone digital and regularly publishes new material on our website, conantcrier.com. The Crier publishes school news, feature stories, sports, opinions, entertainment reviews, videos, and more. Required full-staff meetings are held every two weeks to brainstorm ideas and to discuss our vision, while staff members communicate daily through email and in person. Editors of the newspaper lead teams of reporters, columnists, photographers, and more in providing the most relevant, informative, and interesting content for our audience. This club appeals to a wide variety of interests—from writers to photographers, from video editors to graphic artists—and to those who feel they have something meaningful and important to offer the Conant community.
Sponsor: Mr. David Gwizdala
Email: dgwizdala@d211.org
Voicemail: 224-653-3247Sponsor: Ms. Katie Sall
Email: ksall@d211.org
Voicemail: 224-653-3264
Additional Information
Meetings: Wednesdays, 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Room: 218
Schoology: RP89-KSFK-JCCNS