- Township High School District 211
- Canine Searches
School Safety Information
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Canine Searches
In an effort to discourage students from drug violations and drug related distractions, Township High School District 211 has partnered with local police departments to use police dogs to search for drugs on campus. The use of canine units in District 211 schools is intended to assist the administration’s ongoing efforts to deter students from taking the risk of bringing illegal substances into the school building or on campus, including the student parking lot.
Searches may occur in each of the five regular high schools at the determination of the administration. To create a more visible deterrent, the implementation of the canine searches will include multiple searches each semester conducted by a small number of canine search teams from local police departments offering this community service.
Local police departments and District 211 administrators will follow outlined procedures during the search and if drugs or drug paraphernalia are found on campus. A school administrator will oversee and coordinate each search taking place on school grounds. Classroom doors will remain closed during the search and any individuals who leave a classroom may be asked to return if a search is being conducted in that area. Every effort will be made to complete the hallway search within 20 minutes after the class period has started. Once a hallway search is complete, the canine unit may search the parking lot.
Please contact the principal’s office if you have concerns or additional questions.