It has always been our belief in District 211 that students, teachers, and families work together to build a strong educational foundation. Within the first few weeks of school each year, District 211 has previously held Parent Open House across the District to help shape that foundation. In the midst of the COVID-19 environment, District 211 schools are unable to host its traditional in-person Open House event; however, an opportunity has been created for parents and students to experience this event virtually. Parents are encouraged to sit with their child for an hour on September 3 and allow their child to walk them through the Schoology page for each class. On each Schoology page will be a Curriculum Night video from the teacher available for parents to gain a better understanding of their child’s courses. It is hopeful that each parent will better understand how their child is engaged in learning this year, and also inspire a discussion with their child about the courses he or she is enrolled in.
See the introductory videos below explaining this self-paced online event, District 211 Curriculum Night.