Chief Technology Officer

Phone: 847-755-6705


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Gary R. Gorson

Chief Technology Officer Gary Gorson directs the District’s technology staff to support and improve student achievement by integrating technology throughout the District. He creates and facilitates a vision of integrating technology to support educational needs enabling improved student achievement, provides and ensures accessible data throughout the organization, and directs and enhances the effectiveness of the District’s skilled technology staff and daily operations. Mr. Gorson also leads development of the technology strategy for the District along with the continuous delivery of reliable technology services and the integration of educational technology within the instructional program. He supports school-level technology leaders working to infuse technology into the learning process. Mr. Gorson holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a master’s degree in computer science, both from DePaul University. He has conducted additional studies in the Ph.D. program at Illinois Institute of Technology in Artificial Intelligence and at the MIT Sloan Business School Executive Program on Managing Technical Professionals. Prior to working in District 211, he gained technology leadership experience in both the private and public sectors as chief information officer in the hospitality industry and chief technology officer for Lake County Illinois. Since 1999, he has been a member of the Adlai E. Stevenson High School District 125 Board of Education (Lincolnshire, Ill.), as well as chair of the Finance and Executive Technology Committees.