Citing Online Research Databases

  • Use the citation (MLA 8 format) provided in each database.

    You must also ensure the titles of your databases are in italics, and the punctuation is correct.

    Although including the URL and the accession date of the article is optional, follow your teacher’s requirements for inclusion in your Works Cited page.

    See the librarian with any questions.

Online research databases (expl. 1)

Use the following In-Text Citation example if your source includes the author's last name and a page number.

In-Text Citation

Author last name page#
(Author last name page#)
(Smith 4)

Online research databases (expl. 2)

Use the following In-Text Citation example if you only have the author's name for your source.

In-Text Citation

Author last name
(Author last name)

Online research databases (expl. 3)

Use the following In-Text Citation example if you only have the title of your source.

In-Text Citation

Title only
(Title only)
(Civil War)