- Schaumburg HS
- Student Services Home
Office Location: Room 113
Department Phone Number: (847) 755-4630
Follow us on Instagram: @studentservices_shs
ABOUT STUDENT SERVICESThe Schaumburg High School Student Services Department includes the Student Services Director, Student Services Department Chair, support staff, counselors, social workers, school psychologists, and the school nurse. Staff members provide social, personal, and academic counseling, career planning as well as access to academic records, transcripts, and report cards.
Counselors are assigned to each student when they enter high school and serve as the main contact for students and families. They are able to provide social, personal, and academic counseling, as well as college and career planning. Counselors hold small-group sessions with students several times per year and students can also schedule individual appointments during a free period, or before and after school. Parents are also encouraged to contact the counselor at any time. Students can schedule appointments with their counselor through the Counselor Appt App on their iPads, emailing the counselor, or coming to the Student Services Office - Room 113.
Social Workers
Social workers work collaboratively with counselors to provide additional support to students and connect families to in-school and out-of-school community resources. Please contact your student's counselor if social work support is needed.
School Psychologists
School psychologists provide diagnostic and support services to students with specific needs. Please contact your student's counselor if psychologist support is needed.
Each student who enrolls in Schaumburg High School is connected to a Student Support Team (SST) through their assigned counselor. SST's meet weekly to review data and discuss ways to support our students. The Student Support Team consists of counselors, psychologists, social workers, and an administrator. Parents can refer their student for discussion at SST by contacting their student's assigned counselor.
Schaumburg is divided into three Student Support Teams: SST 1, SST 2, SST 3. Please select the tab below to email the individual listed. As always, please utilize the counselor as the first point of contact.
Student Support Team 1
Tony Ganas Assistant Principal aganas@d211.org Natalie McPeek Administrative Assistant nmcpeek@d211.org Dan Flores School Resource Officer dflores@d211.org Yassi Delgado Student Services Director ydelgado@d211.org Natalie Tarter Counselor naguilar@d211.org Nate Elzinga Psychologist nelzinga@d211.org Eric Melton Department Chair emelton@d211.org Liliana Pirtle Counselor lpirtle@d211.org Ginger Haas Social Worker ghaas@d211.org Chris Rafaj Dean of Students crafaj@d211.org -
Student Support Team 2
Jake Hughes Assistant Principal jhughes@d211.org Alison Woytus Administrative Assistant awoytus@d211.org Dan Flores School Resource Officer dflores@d211.org Yassi Delgado Student Services Director ydelgado@d211.org Lorena Villagomez-Corona Social Worker lvillagomezcorona@d211.org Joe Kowalski Counselor jkowalski@d211.org Mark Stilling Psychologist mstilling@d211.org Julie Vasireddy Counselor jvasireddy@d211.org Erika Werlein Couselor ewerlein@d211.org Chris Rafaj Dean of Students -
Student Support Team 3
Whitney Gbur
Assistant Principal wgbur@d211.org Tatianna Cattron Administrative Assistant tcattron@d211.org Dan Flores School Resource Officer dflores@d211.org Yassi Delgado Student Services Director ydelgado@d211.org Reiko Behlke Counselor rbehlke@d211.org Danielle Casamassimo Counselor dcasamassimo@d211.org Kaitlin Aylward School Counselor kaylward@d211.org Meredith Paolella Psychologist mpaolella@d211.org Kristal Smith Social Worker ksmith@d211.org Brent Swolsky Counselor bswolsky@d211.org Chris Rafaj Dean of Students crafaj@d211.org
The School Nurse, Ms. Hopkins, is located near the Attendance and Intervention Offices. Enter through Office 107. The Nurse can be reached at 847-755-4662 or mhopkins@d211.org.
Student Services Department Number 847-755-4630 Student Services Fax Number 847-755-4904 Nurse's Office Phone Number 847-755-4662 Nurse's Fax Number 847-755-4861
Students can easily make an appointment to see their counselor. Appointments can be made during students' lunch or free period by using the Counselor Appt App on their iPads, emailing the counselor, or completing an appointment request form in the Student Services Office.
Click on the tab below to see the services
Individual counseling
Educational planning
College/Career planning
Student appraisal and records
Guidance Curriculum
Transcript requests
Verify personal records
Record test results
Maintain student records
Update student information
Assist students in crisis
Community referrals
Members of Special Education Team
Individual and group counseling
Liaison between school and hospitals, outside therapist, and community agencies