- Schaumburg HS
- College & Career
Career Planning
Dual Credit Information
Dual Credit Information
Dual credit gives eligible high school students the opportunity to enroll in college classes for credit prior to high school graduation making the credits part of both the student’s permanent college record and high school transcript. Instructors for dual credit courses must meet the requirements to teach at both the high school and collegiate levels. The greatest benefit of dual credit is that students accumulate college credits which assist in graduating college on-time or early.
District 211 Dual Credit Explained
List of Dual Credit Courses Offered
iTransfer.org - This website allows students to identify college coursework that is accepted for transfer credit throughout Illinois as a part of the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI). It is the official Illinois transfer website.
Transferology.com - This website allows students to create an account and input all of their dual credit courses taken in high school to find out how they will transfer to specific universities.
Career Planning
Career Planning
Xello contains a wealth of information related to career planning. Students can take assessments to better understand their strengths, interests, and abilities. Results from those assessments can be used to identify potential career clusters and specific careers of interest. Each student in District 211 has a unique username and password.
Username: Student Google Log-In
Password: Student Google Password
Khan Academy is best known for their academic tutoring resources and test prep. In addition to those services, Khan Academy provides information to assist families in the career planning process.
CISCO - Construction Industry Service Corporation
CISCO.org contains a wealth of information related to pursuing a career in the construction industry. The guide to apprenticeship programs is a 91 page document which details the types of apprenticeship programs available in northeastern Illinois. A Guide to Apprenticeship Programs (PDF)
IDES - Illinois Department of Employment Security
IDES offers all Illinois residents a variety of comprehensive, free-of-charge career exploration tools to help learn about the world of work, choose a career path and explore education and training.
Links college majors to careers courtesy of NIU
Career Treks
Career Treks
Students can experience and explore future career choices by participating in our Career Exploration Program. Students may take part in a career trek, a group field trip to a business site for students with similar interests in a field they’d like to investigate further. Students can participate in three career treks per year beginning as a freshman. For a complete list of upcoming Career Treks & application forms see our Schoology Course Page (access code FKG9T-MB42X).
In addition, students have the opportunity to hear in-school speakers or to investigate other helpful resources. Interested students should see Mrs. Soriano in Student Services. Need further information? Click here or email Mrs. Soriano at Asoriano@d211.org
Additional Career Resources
Additional Career Resources
Listed below are websites that will be helpful to you in deciding on a career or researching careers. We believe these sites to be among the most helpful on the Internet. Of course, we cannot always guarantee the content on each site, but they have been screened for their usefulness to you.
This well-respected site has good information on career trends. It’s easy to find things here.
This is the official site, sponsored by the military, that explains the ASVAB test and its uses.
This site has a full practice test.
This has good links to career assessment centers, career training, special links for Hispanic clients, and career centers for universities. Click on “Job Seekers” or “Youth at Work.”
Terrific resource for students looking for career information on virtually any math or science-related career. It also has lists of “good” schools for math and science careers.
Allows user to search by “fastest growing” or other criteria, and you can compare salaries, etc. Very useful and usable.
Very good info on 6 different general career fields is contained here. Also, there are great tie-ins for kids who take the Holland Test. (All students who take the PLAN or ACT tests receive Holland Code information with their test results).
The Careers section of this well-known college program is also helpful.
Useful links for community career events, internships and camps
Illinois Career Resource Network
Click on Career Information System for assessments, career information, and more. Easy login in Option #3 “Illinois Resident Login.”
This site allows taking the test of this name. It is similar to the Myers-Briggs test, correlating career choices with personality. There are limited activities unless you subscribe. Check the career tests listed above to see if they are better for you.
This Illinois site leads to career exploration activities.
Links to military career sites and requirements are contained here.
Check out the Career Guide for Students
Northwest Suburban Education to Career Partnership
Useful links for students and teachers related to career exploration and preparation.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is an outstanding resource for virtually any career research. It contains employment and salary projections.
This is a national listing of links to accredited trade and technical schools.
This actually has good search capabilities, especially in general career areas (e.g., business careers).