The ACT® test is the nation’s most popular college entrance exam accepted and valued by all universities and colleges in the United States. The ACT is based on what students learn in high school and provides personalized information about their strengths for education and career planning.

    Students should access the ACT website directly to register for upcoming ACT exams, find out additional information about the test, and access resources to help prepare for an upcoming exam.


    Requesting Accommodations and/or English Learner (EL) Supports

    ACT is committed to serving examinees with documented disabilities by providing reasonable accommodations appropriate to the examinee's diagnosis and needs. ACT has established policies regarding documentation of an examinee’s disability.

    If you currently receive accommodations in school due to a professionally diagnosed and documented disability, see the ACT Policy for Accommodations Documentation (PDF), which will prepare you and guide you through the process of requesting test accommodations on the ACT test. Any student wishing to apply for testing accommodations due to a disability should follow the instructions below.

    1. Create or log in to an existing account
    • Register for the ACT test
    • Indicate need for accommodations and/or English learner supports
    • Select the type of accommodation and/or English learner supports you need
    1. Upon completion of your registration, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to work with your school to submit a request. Forward this email to your school official along with a completed Consent to Release Information to ACT (PDF) form. This email initiates the process.
    2. Your school official will submit your request to ACT. ACT will review the request and email the Decision Notification to your school official. Your school official should contact you within two weeks of submitting your request.

    Note: The basic fees and registration deadlines for testing with accommodations and/or English learner supports are the same. Find upcoming test dates and deadlines on the Registration page.

    All accommodation and EL supports requests should be submitted by your school official by the published registration deadlines for your preferred test date.

    Accommodations Checklist (PDF)

    For immediate answers to commonly asked questions, download FAQs for Students and Parents (PDF).