• Mrs. Yassi Delgado

    Student Services Director

    Mrs. Yassi Delgado

    Phone: 847-755-4626

    Email: ydelgado@d211.org

    As the Student Services Director for Schaumburg High School, I am responsible for student services office operation. I coordinate student records, grade reporting, master schedule development and maintenance, homebound procedures, testing and placement, office-campus educational programs, cooperative education programs, PLAN, Explore and P.S.A.E testing, gifted programs, E.S.L. programs, non-residency applications, at-risk programs, and special education programming. I evaluate Student Services, Foreign Language, EL, and Special Services (chair).

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  • Degrees and Certifications:

    Educational Background
    Master of Arts Education in Educational Administration, Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL
    Master of Science Education in Secondary Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
    Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language and Literature, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
    Associate of Arts in Secretarial Business, Wilbur Wright College, Chicago,IL

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  • Professional Experience

    Counselor, James B. Conant High School
    Dean of Students, James B. Conant High School
    Spanish Teacher, James B. Conant High School
    Professional Memberships
    American School Counseling Association

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  • Administrative Assistant

    Linda Vanek 

    Tel: 847-755-4627


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