• Mr. Jake Hughes

    Assistant Principal Team 2

    Mr. Jake Hughes

    Phone: 847-755-4618

    Email: jhughes@d211.org

    I am the Administrator for Student Support Team 2. I primarily work with the following counselors and their assigned students: Mr. Kowalski, Mrs. Vasireddy, and Ms. Werlein along with school social workers, Ms. Villagomez and Ms. Warwick, and school psychologist, Mr. Stilling. I am responsible for coordinating the Open House as well as our Saxon Strong (staff culture) and E-Achieve credit recovery program.  I also oversee our student supervisors, teacher duties, in-school suspensions, detention, the distribution of student surveys, after-school tutoring, ACCESS testing, and the Media Center.  Additionally, I evaluate the Applied Technology, Business, and English departments.

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  • Degrees and Certifications:

    Educational Background

    Master of Arts – Educational Leadership, Type 75
    Special Education - LBS I Endorsement
    Roosevelt University, Schaumburg, IL
    Bachelor of Arts, K-12 Physical Education
    Illinois State University, Normal, IL

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  • Professional Experience

    2020 – 2024: District 211 North Campus
    Alternative Learning Academy – Program Administrator
    2014 – 2020: Schaumburg High School
    Dean on Students
    Special Education Teacher
    Head Girls Lacrosse Coach
    Assistant Wrestling Coach

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  • Administrative Assistant

    Alison Woytus 

    Tel: 847-755-4619


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