Citation Print Sources

  • Book—single author

    Aldington, Richard. The Portable Oscar Wilde. Viking Press, 1980.

    Book—Two or more authors-Write names in the same order as written on the title page.
    Wellek, Gene, and William Walden. Theory of Literature. Doubleday, 1983.

    Book—More than two authors

    Carlson, Sander, et al. The English Language. University of California Press, 1993.

    Book—Editor instead of author

    Thompson, Clifford, editor. Current Biography Yearbook 2010.  H. W. Wilson, 2010.

Citing Literary Resources

  • Specialized multi-volume encyclopedias or sets

    Signed article

    Mayland, Charles. J. “Chaplin, Charles Spencer.” Dictionary of American Biography, edited by

    Allen Johnson and Dumas Malone, supplement 10, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1995.

    Unsigned article

    “Calcium.” Gale Encyclopedia of Science, edited by Bridget Travers, vol. 1, Gale Research,

    1996, pp. 56-60. 7 vols.

    Book with chapters written by different authors

    White, Ann Vorisek. “Television Harms Children.” Television: Opposing Viewpoints, edited by

    Jamuna Carroll, Thomson Gale, 2006, pp. 71-76.

    Magazine and newspaper articles

    Bose, Ted. “Wilde’s Game of Being Earnest.” Modern Drama, vol. 21, no. 1, 1978, pp. 81-86.

    Campo-Flores, Arian. “Hiding Behind the Web.” Newsweek, 11 Oct. 2010, pp. 32-34.

    “Four Attacks Kill at Least 11 in Kashmir.” Chicago Tribune, Northwest Final ed., 3 Oct. 2002,

    sec. 1, p. 8.

    Reprinted magazine or journal articles (Film Review Annual, CLC, etc.)

    Roberts, Sheila. “A Confined World: A Rereading of Pauline Smith.” Twentieth-Century

    Literary Criticism, edited by Dennis Poupard, vo. 25, Gale, 1988, pp. 380-381.

    Originally published in New York Times Book Review, 27 Nov. 1976, pp. 5-7.


    Ansen, David. “Saving Private Ryan.” Film Review Annual 1999, edited by Jerome S. Ozer,

    1116-1118. Originally published in Newsweek 13 July 1998, p. 52.


    Your Rights Under California Welfare Programs. California Department of Social Services,


Citing Other Sources

  • Film on DVD or Videotape

    It’s a Wonderful Life.  1946. Directed by Frank Capra, performances by Jimmy Stewart and

    Donna Reed, Republic Pictures, 2001.

    Television or Radio Program                                                                                   

    “Under the Gun.”  Pretty Little Liars, season 4, episode 6, ABC Family, 16 July 2013.

    Audio/Whole Album                                                                                                          

    U2.  All That You Can’t Leave Behind.  Interscope, 2000.

    Audio/Single Song

    Beyoncé.  “Pretty Hurts.”  Beyoncé. Parkwood Entertainment 2013,


    Pei, I. M.  Interview.22 July 1993.

    Larson, Al. Interview. 10 Dec. 2000.


    Boyle, Anthony T. “Re: Utopia.”  Received by Daniel J. Cahill, 21 June 2007.


    @persiankiwi.  “We have report of large street battles in east & west of Tehran now -

     #Iranelection.”  Twitter, 23 June 2009, 11:15 a.m.,


Citing Websites

Citing Other Media