
    SHS Media Center Library Graphic

    SHS Media Center Research Databases

    The SHS media center staff is here to help with information and eLearning research needs! If you experience any issues accessing the SHS's Digital Library Resources/Databases: OverDrive, FlipBoard, Daily Herald, or Chicago Tribune, email SHS Librarian Mrs. O'Keefe @ jokeefe@d211.org

Schaumburg High School Media Center

  • The Schaumburg Media Center is where students can come to study, do research, check out books, or use the many available technology resources. The Library includes the school’s collection of thousands of books, available for student checkout. The Media Center also maintains an extensive listing of online research databases, available to students both on and off campus over the Internet. Students can also access hundreds of eBooks on their tablets and smartphones, via District 211’s OverDrive library. Check out the Media Center's Online Services below. Additionally, the Media Center hosts the Technology Center, where students can get answers to technical questions or issues. 

    The Media Center is open from 7 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday–Friday.

    Evening Library: Hours for quiet study are from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday–Thursday.

    Study Area SHS Media Center