- Schaumburg HS
- iPad Information
Freshmen iPads
All ninth grade students’ iPads will be configured with a base set of apps to fulfill educational activities. This base set of apps, assembled using recommendations from teachers across the District, is shown in the chart below. Some of the titles are purchased apps that will only be available at the specific schools that have paid for those apps.
Access to the App Store is blocked for all freshmen. They will not be able to download apps to their iPads independently. Teachers may request that additional course–specific apps be added to 9th grade students’ iPads at any time throughout the school year.
Freshman iPads have also been configured to control various features. This configuration includes the following settings:
Safari – deleting web history is blocked
iMessage – turned off
FaceTime – turned off
iPad Name –iPad name locked to device’s serial number
Apple ID – restricted to school–‐issued account
Questions or concerns about the information presented here should be directed to the Schaumburg High School Technology Chair, Scott Weidig, at 847-755-4760 or by email at sweidig@d211.org.