Final Exams Bell Schedule

  • Final exams are given at the end of each semester. Since the exams typically require more time than a 50-minute class period allows, periods during finals are lengthened to 90 minutes and split over three days. Students are required to attend periods for which they have final exams, but they do not need to attend school during free periods.

    Printable Bell Schedule

    Students are encouraged to plan ahead for these final weeks of the semester leading into final exams. FHS teachers will again be utilizing our "End of Semester Organizer" to share important upcoming test/quiz/project dates and exam information. Students can access the organizer here, through Fremd Events, or within their course Schoology pages to use this organizer. Students can use Notability to write information into the organizer if they choose to use this digital format. 

    2024-2025 Semester 1 Organizer


Finals Schedule - Day 1

Finals Schedule - Day 2

Finals Schedule - Day 3

Buses During Finals

    • Morning Pick-up Schedule
      • Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday: regular morning bus pick-up
    • After School Bus Departures
      • Wednesday & Thursday: buses depart at 10:48 a.m. and 12:28 p.m.
      • Friday: buses depart at 10:48 a.m.