Attendance Policy

  • Daily attendance at school is required by State Law.

    Success in school is linked closely with being in the classroom, joining in class discussion, and doing the assigned work on a regular basis. In the classroom, students can take full advantage of classmates’ ideas, teacher explanations of assignments, and other material that enriches learning. There is no way to duplicate the same classroom experience after a student has been absent.


    Parents should call their student's Team Room to report attendance.  Click here to see Team Room telephone numbers. Attendance should be reported by 10:00am when a student is too ill to attend school. This telephone call allows the student to come to class the next day with little or no delay. Parents are requested to notify school personnel no later than 48 hours after the absence. If parents do not call, the student’s absence will be considered truant until a parent authorizes the absence. School staff will attempt to contact parents when students are absent and a parent call has not been received.

    Students are not to leave school before their regular dismissal time without the permission of an administrator or the nurse. Once students have permission to leave, they must sign-out in the attendance office and leave the building.

    While daily attendance is required, students may occasionally miss school for the following reasons:

    • Serious illness or death in the family (inform the school as soon as reasonably possible)
    • Court appearance
    • Doctor or dental appointments
    • Pre-arranged college visits (must be made two days in advance)

    If one of these situations occurs, parents should call the attendance office at least 24 hours in advance of the absence. For court, doctor, or dental appointments during the day, the student must sign out in the attendance office. Students may not be excused from any class in order to complete work, make-up work, or take a test or quiz.

    All work assigned when the student was absent is to be made up after the student’s return to school.

    Results of Excessive Absences

    Absences will be recorded on a per semester basis. Any student with excessive absences may be required to produce a medical authorization verifying the reason for his or her absences. Any of the following interventions or procedures may be utilized for students who accumulate six or more absences:

    • 6 Days of Absence: Parents may be notified by letter, email or other direct communication.
    • An administrator may meet with the student to discuss the reason for the absences. A justified reason could postpone a conference with the parent.
    • An administrator may request a parent conference.
    • If no extenuating circumstances exist, the number of courses in which student participation and credit is allowed may be reduced.

    If a student is absent for 15 consecutive days, it is possible that the student may not earn course credit.

    Work and Social Events

    A student who is too ill to attend school may not attend work-study jobs, social, or athletic events.

    Special Absence Policies

    Family Vacations

    The District discourages vacations which keep students from school because lost time from school places students at a disadvantage. Requests from parents to excuse students for vacations with members of the immediate family (family vacations) are considered on an individual basis. The school will not excuse a student for a vacation in which the student is not accompanied by a parent or guardian.

    To obtain approval for a family vacation, please follow these steps:

    • Parents should make the request by telephone far enough in advance so students can have their teachers sign the excusal form five school days in advance of the vacation. The signed form must be submitted to the attendance office.
    • A school administrator must approve the request.
    • Students are responsible for asking their teachers for homework assignments at least five school days in advance of the vacation. To receive credit, the student is expected to make arrangements with each teacher for turning in daily work missed during the absence.

    College Visitations

    College-bound juniors and seniors may be excused for two days to visit colleges to which they have applied for admission. These absences must be prearranged through the attendance office.