- Higgins Education Center
- Bell Schedules
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Bell Schedules
During the school year, the regular day’s bell schedule starts at 9:10 a.m. and is comprised of a homeroom period, seven academic periods, a period for physical education and a lunch period. The regular bell schedule is followed for classes Monday through Friday, except on specified dates where there is an early dismissal schedule.
Late Start/Early Release
Period 1
9:10 - 9:58
Period 1
9:10 - 9:48
Period 2
9:58 - 10:46
Period 2
9:48 - 10:24
Period 3
10:46 - 11:34
Period 3
10:24 - 11:01
Period 4
11:34 - 12:22
Period 4
11:01 - 11:38
Period 5a
12:22 - 12:47
Period 5a
11:38 - 12:16
Period 5b
12: 47 - 1:12
Period 5b
11:38 - 12:16
Period 6
1:12 - 2:00
Period 6
12:16 - 12:53
Period 7
2:00 - 2:48
Period 7
12:53 - 1:30
Period 8
2:48 - 2:58
Period 8
1:30 - 1:40