Health Services at PHS

  • Nurse
    Ms. Caitlin Hermanson RN, BSN
    Fax: 847-755-1861

    Physical forms, dental forms, proof of immunizations, health care plans, or additional medical information should be emailed to: for Palatine High School Students
      - For incoming freshman, the Health History on the physical must be completed by the parent/guardian (second page/top), along with a
         signature, to count as complete.

    Health Clerk
    Mrs. Dana Maiorello
    Fax: 847-755-1861

    Physical forms, dental forms, proof of immunizations, health care plans, or additional medical information should be emailed to: for Palatine High School Students
      - For incoming freshman, the Health History on the physical must be completed by the parent/guardian (second page/top), along with a
         signature, to count as complete.

    Student health services are provided at Palatine High School and directed toward a goal of good health based on the belief that health and learning are connected. The nurse's office is open to students and staff during school hours and is staffed by a school nurse and a health clerk.